Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Confused mama bear

"Mom, I need to go to the bathroom".  Those dreaded words that no mom wants to here in this situation. With a cart full of groceries, a 3 year old hanging from the cart desperately crying for that conveniently placed toy, A 1-year old that is screaming to get out of those germ infested cart restraints, and my 7 year old son says he has to "go".  Really?! 

As we walk to the bathroom I am telling, (actually yelling, in an attempt to talk louder then my 3 year old) repeating all of our safety rules that I repeat every time he is about to use the public restroom.  He is 7 now and as much as I would like to, he will not let me take him to the women's bathroom.  

By the time we approach the men's room I have repeated my overprotective mom speech several times.  Including, but not limited to, "if you don't feel comfortable, turn around and walk out."  

As I wait as close to the men's room door as possible I can't help but think about this target controversy.  My concern in allowing men in the girls bathroom is safety. Which is scary, But haven't I been letting my boys go to the men's room alone for several years (of course, not without my never-ending paranoid mom speech)?   I suppose it made think about my stand against target. Don't get me wrong, it is very upsetting.  And I know that target was making a political statement.  I still disagree, but is boycotting target really the answer?   I read an article today that was interesting......

I would like to hear your thoughts.... (Maybe? nice ;).  At what point do we stand up for what we believe and when do we let things go? 

I'm just a confused mama that would wrap her kids in a bubble if I could. 

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